Year 6 children from Herne View Primary School in Ilminster were recently invited to a taster session at Ilminster Bowls and Tennis Club.

The children were offered coaching by members of the club who took the time to demonstrate the sports to the children and guide them through developing the skills.

Claire Oaten, headteacher of Herne View who accompanied the children said: "We would like to publicly thank the two clubs as we were made to feel so welcome and we all had an amazing time with so much support and coaching. We found some of our children were definite naturals in the sports and in the tennis it was great for the pupils to see one of the school’s (Greenfylde/Swanmead) ex pupils co coaching.

"Our thanks go to everyone who gave up their time to offer these sessions which was much appreciated and if any children are interested both clubs offer youth opportunities so we encourage anyone to find out more as we are sure you will get the same warm welcome that we received."