A PRIMRY SCHOOL near Ilminster has just opened a new adventure garden for its pupils.

Shepton Beauchamp Church School had over £8,000 raised by the parents fundraising committee, Friends of Shepton School, to create the new creative outdoor play area.

The school’s F.O.S.S team interviewed the children to find out their preferences for the garden, and then designed the school’s new facility with their thoughts in mind.

The school’s local vicar, Father Geoff, joined the school’s weekly Family Celebration Assembly and blessed the new equipment, and the children then helped to douse it with holy water.

Executive Headteacher, Connel Boyle said: “Our children are now engaging in so much more creative play and are using the new equipment as part of new 'imagined' settings.

"My favourite so far has been using our adventure climbing frame as a cloud base!

"Now that summer appears to actually be here, we cannot wait to get out in the rectory garden for fun and adventures every day!”