The Inner Wheel Club of Chard hosted its inaugural Tea Dance at Jenny's Café on Friday, September 20.

It was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by an age range spanning about 50 years.

The afternoon began with a slice of cake and a cup of tea, followed by dancing.

Two couples who had travelled a long distance to join the event kicked off the celebrations.

They showed their professional dance skills and were soon joined by others, dancing to music ranging from 50s to 80s disco.

(Image: The Inner Wheel Club of Chard) The event was not just about dancing, though.

Many attendees were busy making new friends, and some were so engrossed in conversation that they hardly danced at all.

The idea for the tea dance was conceived by this year's Inner Wheel president, Penny Herrick.

She was looking for ways the Inner Wheel could help those in the community who may be isolated and possibly lonely.

The concept was inspired by a meeting about the Chard Community Plan, where it was mentioned that the Chard Guildhall used to host regular tea dances.

The Inner Wheel Club has collaborated with other community groups, including the Chard Carers Support Group and the Chard Community Hub.

They welcome other groups to get involved.

(Image: The Inner Wheel Club of Chard) The feedback from the event was positive.

One attendee said: "I thought she was going to cancel on me as I know she was anxious.

"She had a brilliant time.

"I don't think she's danced in years.

"Thank you."

Another said: "It's truly helped her mental well-being so much.

"I'm very grateful."

The next dance is on November 29 in the Guildhall, where they hope to have a live band.

The Inner Wheel Club invites anyone who might be hesitant to join or needs a lift to contact them.

They can be reached via email at or by phone at 01460 63856.

They encourage everyone to put this date in their diaries and keep an eye out for posters.