A MARCH "to highlight the cruelty involved in Cub Hunting" is taking place in Chard later this week.

Action Against Fox Hunting will march from outside Chard's Guildhall from 1pm on Saturday, September 28.

It is a peaceful march against the illegal practice of fox cub hunting, also known as  Autumn Hunting.

A spokesperson for Action Against Fox Hunting said: "Despite the 2004 ban, fox hunting has never stopped. Hunts pursue and kill foxes every week in hunting season."

The campaign group claims that trail hunting, where a scent is laid for hounds to follow, is being used as a “cover up” for the illegal hunting of foxes.

Fox hunting was banned in England and Wales following the introduction of the Hunting Act 2004, which came into force a year later.

In Scotland, hunting with dogs was banned except in limited circumstances in 2002, and new laws to limit it were passed in 2023, including banning trail hunting.