SUNFLOWERS of Somerset have celebrated their successful displays in Chard and Ilminster.

This year’s event, which ended recently, also raised funds for important causes.

A spokesperson said: “We are very grateful to have received a grant from the Rural Engagement Project this year which enabled us to branch out to more schools and care homes further afield this year and also to encourage more schools and other organisations to engage in sunflower related artwork.

“The Community Hub at Chard were eager to make mosaics and greeting cards with us, one of which won a prize in the craft section at the Chard Flower Fair in July.

“The display windows in Silver Street in Ilminster were beautifully decorated with Sunflower Art from pupils at Herneview, which then moved on to Monks Yard in Horton for their special Sunflower Day, so although the flowers got off to a slow start this year due to the very wet Spring, they still bloomed gloriously all through the summer months.

“Now, the tallest ones have been found and prizes have been awarded; Lotti from Chard, the youngest grower posed for her photo and Paul with grandson Freddie from Merriott, the owners of the prize-winning flower, was interviewed on Radio Somerset in the hope that he might reveal some of his secrets.

“Residents from Vaughan Lee Residential Home were able to sit out in their gardens and admire the sunflower’s beauty and they even had a trip out on their bus to Monks Yard for their regular Singing for Fun Day and while there, were able to see their artistic ‘Sunflower Sunrise’ on display for all to see.

“Chard Museum had Sunflower crafts and creativity at their Heritage Day in July and Monks Yard’s Reception area was home to a truly colourful display of several schools’ artwork too.

“But best of all, around £250 was raised in donations which along with the £250 raised in the Waffle House at Axminster for sales of seeds, gave a grand total of £500 which was donated to Awaken Love for Africa to help with the cost of running and maintaining their orphanage and homes in Kenya.

“Here's to next year’s Sunflowers of Somerset growing even taller flowers! For the last two years, Ian from Taunton and Paul from Merriott have taken first and second places in the height stakes with one top prize each so perhaps we’ll see the clash of the ‘Titan Sunflowers’ in 2025.”