Chard Neighbourhood Nursery at 12 Millfield Street in Chard has been rated 'Good' by Ofsted.

Their report published on the Ofsted website on September 3, they were rated 'Good' in all areas, the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management. 

Ofsted inspector Den Russell said the children make 'good progress' and that student needs are the 'absolute priority of the staff.' The curriculum overall for is 'inclusive and well-sequenced.' 

Mr Russell did say that the school needed to 'make use of opportunities in children's play for them to solve problems for themselves.'

The report highlighted the children's 'love of reading.' The report said: "Partnerships with parents are strong. The manager and her team offer support and guidance sessions on a range of areas such as toilet training, weaning, managing children's behaviour and healthy eating.

"Parents value the information that is shared at handover each day. Parents say that staff are approachable and genuinely care about their children. They are confident that their children are very happy in the setting."

"Staff understand the importance of allowing children to do things for themselves before offering assistance. However, staff do not always apply this to more cognitive tasks. For example, staff often suggest solutions, instead of giving children opportunities to come up with their own solutions, to challenges and misconceptions."

The report also said that the staff team are 'extremely happy and feels very well supported by their manager. Staff are professional and dedicated to their roles. '

Inspector Den Russell ended his summary by saying: "The passionate manager and her professional team know the children exceptionally well. They understand what motivates children and what additional support they may need to achieve the best possible outcomes. They use this detailed knowledge to provide good-quality learning experiences for the children who engage well with what the setting has to offer. Children are well prepared for school and later learning."

Chard Neighbourhood Nursery registered in 2003 and opens every weekday from 7.30am until 6pm for 51 weeks of the year. There are 13 staff, including the manager, who work with the children. 

Read the full report on the Ofsted website.