A former business owner in Chard is calling on the police to do more to deter shoplifting in Chard Town Centre.

Bob Bennett, of Chard told the Chard and Ilminster News "Its an epidemic, you can see it all the time in the town centre, just this morning, I was nearly knocked over by a person running out of the Sainsbury's store by a person running out with baskets and trollies full of stock that had been stolen."

"The staff in Sainsbury's are lovely but they are told by managers not to confront shoplifters, and why should they, it's not their job to deter shoplifting. Its the police and they are doing nothing at the moment about the situation.

"I have had no response from the police, I have reported the issue to them on several occasions and they tell me to keep a log and take photographs, I have even given the police the names of the people doing it and nothing has come from it.

"I owned several businesses in Chard over the years, one being Boss Hog before I sold it and I had instances all the time of being robbed, my windows smashed through and being threatened. It was horrible. but it seems worse now."

In response, a spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police said: "Thefts from shops are something we take seriously and we encourage shop workers to report incidents, especially where threats or violence is used.

"There has been a nationwide increase in shoplifting offences and that is reflected in Avon and Somerset. We know that previously shop theft has been significantly under-reported so we're encouraged by increased reporting.

"There have been 69 reported incidents of shop theft in Chard so far this year and reports of shoplifting in Somerset are lower than the force average.

“While we have to prioritise all calls based on the level of threat, harm and risk, any incident in which there has been violence or a suspect remains on the scene will be prioritised, as well as when evidence needs to be promptly secured or forensically examined.

"The neighbourhood team works closely with shop staff and security teams to offer safety advice and encourage reporting.

"Where repeat and prolific offenders have been identified, officers encourage shops to issue civil banning letters, which, if ignored, can provide evidence to enable action to be taken under anti-social behaviour legislation. This legislation has been used successfully to target persistent offenders with orders which can be used both to tackle unwanted behaviour, such as barring them from certain shopping areas, and to require positive action, like engaging with support. 

"We will also charge offenders where appropriate, and two people have been charged in the last two months for shop theft offences committed in Chard."

Latest statistics for May 2024 have recently been published on the police.uk, they show that for the month, there were 17 cases of public order, 14 cases of anti-social behaviour and eight cases of criminal damage and arson in Chard.

The website features an interactive map which shows where the crimes took place, around the Tesco Store, and the Lidl Store on Tapstone Road there were six crimes reported in May 2024, two being robbery, one being public order, one being violent and sexual offences and one other crime. 

Around the Sainsbury's store in Bath Street, 24 crimes were reported, four being public order and four being shoplifting.

In Boden Street, one case of shoplifting was reported from the Home Bargains store.

See the full crime statistics for your area for May 2024 on the police.uk website. Using your postcode to search the area.

Avon and Somerset Police were contacted for a comment on this story. But offered no reply.