Chard photographer Jason Reading and model Ed Akay have teamed up to inspire body confidence in others.

Jason and Ed have partnered in many events over the last few years, featuring in more than 20 magazine covers together, producing a calendar for the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Charity and now utilising Ed’s Silver Medal success on the world bodybuilding stage at the INBA World Natural Bodybuilding Championships to inspire others.

Ed was part of Team UK (organised by UKDFBA – UK Drug Free Bodybuilding Association) and competed in two categories in the World Championships, Physically Challenged (where he won silver) and Men’s Masters Physique over 40 where he held his own against very experienced competition.

What makes this story even more unique is that Ed was the only competitor in the contest to compete in both a physically challenged contest (Ed is partially paralysed in his left foot due to a childhood illness) and an “able bodied contest”.

Jason decided to celebrate this success and Ed’s ultimate triumph over adversity in a photographic book documenting their work over the years, including photoshoots leading up to Ed’s successful competition run and having a biographical element to recognise Ed’s struggle and how it can inspire people who were initially written off to better themselves and lead fulfilling lives.

Jason Reading said: “Photography is my passion and it is a real pleasure to tell Ed’s story and a lot of his recent history through the eye of a camera lense. We all love an underdog done good story and this is a real life one from being unable to walk to a world silver medal!”

Matthew White, Ed’s Trainer (CEO of MW Strength & Performance) added: “Sometimes you can run into destiny, Ed has done that pages over and it’s been a humbling experience in this book since chapter one.”