PARLIAMENTARY candidates for Yeovil set out their policies for the area at a hustings event in Ilminster on Sunday.

Held at the Minster, Ilminster from 7pm on June 23, five parliamentary candidates, Steve Ashton, Independent, Marcus Fysh, Conservative, Adam Dance, Liberal Democrats, Serena Wootton, Green Party and Dr Rebecca Montacute all attended the event. Reform candidate Laura Ballimore did not respond to the invite.

Chairing the debate was the Vicar of Ilminster Joe Stobart and William Lucey. A live stream is available to watch on The Minster's Facebook page.

Each candidate had 90 seconds to set out their opening statements first, they then took questions from members of the public on six topics which included: the economy, the parties' policy on climate change, how to mitigate flooding in the area, and reform planning law in the area, dentistry black spots, 'Ukraine and Defence', the 'financial crisis at Somerset Council' and how many times would they visit Ilminster.

First to deliver their opening statement was Adam Dance, the Liberal Democrat candidate who spoke about his career in politics, first when he was 14 campaigning to save the youth provision in South Petherton. He said when his father died, it gave him the 'passion to get involved with politics at a higher level.' He has worked as a portfolio holder for a number of departments in Somerset Council, recently for public health, equality and diversity. And he is passionate to 'represent all members of the new constituency.'

Next up was Dr Montacute, who said she got into politics after losing her mum and said she is 'passionate in having public services which work for all of us I that is what I would fight for as your MP.' She then went onto talk about 'failures in the government first off from the Liberal Democrat and Tory coalition and 14 years of this government,' and that 'We all deserve so much better and this constituency deserves a seat at the table at the next Labour government.'

Steve Ashton talked about his career in politics, working in parish, town and county council. He said: "I used to be a Conservative, and only recently made the decision to stand as Independent after not being able to find a good fit in all the other policies that the main parties put forward."

He addressed voters saying he would consult 'openly' and help constituents with any issues that arise.

Marcus Fysh, MP for the constituency since 2015 talked about his voting record.

He said:  "We are living in serious times and I understand that. But if I don't get in now, we will not be able to pursue the A303 dualling scheme which we fought so hard for, particularly the Ilminster bypass. We have got so much more we need to do, from helicopter contracts to make sure that rural services don't get pulled to the big cities like Labour has done before. So if you don't want socialism. Vote Conservative at the next election."

Last to deliver their opening statement was Serena Wootton who outlined the national Green party policies for local services and waiting times for GPs and dentists in South Somerset and potholes, the cost of living crisis and the environment.

She said: "There is a lot in the manifesto I can believe in, but some might not fit our constituency. If elected I will vote in the best interests for our communities."

The fourth question put to the candidates was 'Who is responsible for the War In Ukraine, and how will the UK defend itself after July 4? All candidates agreed that Putin was to blame and that the UK should defend itself against Russia.

Candidates also agreed that the planning law needs to be reviewed and plans should be in place to mitigate flooding in the area, a big issue in Chard and surrounding areas due to its proximity to the Somerset Levels.