DORIC House in Old Town Chard could be turned into a Premier Store, if plans are approved by Somerset Council.

Document 24/01327/ADV seeks approval to construct a 'fascia shop sign printed acrylic sheet' advertising the new store.

Doric House used to be home to Chard Domestic Appliances. National retailer Premier has now bought the site and seeks to turn it into a corner shop for the community.

The proposal is to erect a new fascia sign for the retailer, which is the leaseholder of the ground floor unit.

When the store was Chard Domestic Appliances, it had a big yellow sign across the front of the shop. The leaseholders say their sign will be no different.

The document states: "The sign is a standard 'Premier Store' sign in the corporate colours of yellow and purple. It will be approximately the same height as the previous sign and will extend across the whole of the shopfront.

"It will be illuminated by Ecolux bracket lighting with illumination that will be less than 500 Cnd/M2. Details are in the manufacturer’s documentation, forming part of this application."

Along with the application, Premier also want to install security grilles to the glazed sections of the shopfront, to deter vandalism, during hours when the shop is not trading.

The full application is available on the Somerset Council website, where you can comment on and browse all the documents. The plans have been submitted to Somerset Council and will be discussed and approved or refused by planning officers.