Organisers of the Stoke May Fayre have thanked attendees from its “fabulous village” for their “amazing” support.

Hundreds of locals turned out despite drizzly weather on Monday May 27 to enjoy the festivities at Stanchester Academy in Stoke-sub-Hamdon, run entirely by volunteers.

Activities included performances from the South Petherton Majorettes, country dancers from Castle Primary School, Infinity Martial Arts, Organic Rhythm Drummers, Maypole dancing, and stalls raising money for the Stoke-sub-Hamdon Sports and Recreation Trust and the oncology department at Yeovil District Hospital.

A Family Fun Dog Show judged by the village's Isle Valley Vets included the categories "waggiest tail", "scruffiest dog", and "best sausage catcher". The Best In Show winner took home a voucher for a professional photography pet portrait.

A post to Stoke-sub-Hamdon’s Facebook page reads: “Stoke-sub-Hamdon, you are amazing, whether that’s just attending or helping, the Stoke May Fayre was truly a great village event, everyone should be so proud of living in this fabulous village....... AND all profits just get ploughed back into the village via Stoke sub Hamdon Sports and Recreation Trust THANK YOU!”

Another post added: “All the people that set up, took down, cooked burgers, pulled pints, served tea and cake, guided cars to the car park, sold raffle tickets, run tombolas and YES even cleaned the loos.

"These young people [South Petherton Majorettes] performed delightfully, even in the rain!”

Erin Spaett from South Petherton Majorettes said: “All of our troupe members were outstanding in their first performance of the year; we cannot wait to show more local areas what we can do!”

Part of the funds raised at the fayre will be used to replace the football goals at Stoke’s Big Recreation Ground after they were damaged earlier this month. The Stoke May Fayre thanks all its sponsors, including Stoke-sub-Hamdon Parish Council.