A CHARD man who failed to tell police who was behind the wheel of a car suspected of being guilty of an offence has been banned from driving.

The case against Matthew Gidley, 43, of Bubwith Close, was proved in his absence at Taunton Magistrates' Court last Thursday (August 3).

Gidley faild to inform police of the details of the driver in contravntion of the Road Traffic Act 1988 on April 29 last year, the court was told.

He was fined £660 and ordered to pay a £66 victim surcharge, along with a £90 contribution towards court costs.




He was handed six penalty points on his driving licence, leading to a six-month driving ban "due to repeat offending".


The court was told that Gidley had been in the court building in the morning but failed to reappear for the afternoon hearing.

He wil lhave to pay his total court bill of £816 by September 2.