THE Prudence and Industry Lodge has presented a cheque for £700 to Bishop's Hull-based St Margaret's Hospice.

The Freemasons in the lodge in Chard chose to make the donation to the hospice in memory of a former member.

Past Master, Worshipful Brother Harry Poole, said: "St Margaret's Hospice is a charity very dear to the hearts of myself, my wife Rita, and our Lodge Brethren.

"We particularly remember our late Brother Andy Campbell, who passed away in October 2018.

"We are grateful for the help and support St Margaret's gave to Andy and his family.

"2022 should have been Andy's year in the chair.

"It was with great sadness that I took his place.

"I am very honoured that, during my year as Worshipful Master, Prudence and Industry Lodge, I, with the support of my wife Rita, have been able raise these funds for St Margaret's in memory of Andy."