A PLAY area in Chard has been officially opened after an upgrade.

On Thursday, May 18 Upper Henson Play Area was reopened following the completion of upgrades.

The event was also attended by the Mayor of Chard, Cllr Garry Shortland.

Those present also included Gareth Hughes (town clerk), Adrian Turner (operations manager), and Cllr Banah Crook of Avishayes Ward.

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The reopening was also attended by year 4 pupils from Avishayes School (Ash Class). The upgrades have been planned since September 2022 and the council has carried out consultation with a number of schools and organisations.

One pupil in particular who lives nearby and attended on Thursday said he “has used the park every day since its competition and absolutely loves it”.

Claire Rinaldi, head teacher, Avishayes School, said: “Children in Year 4 at Avishayes Primary School were learning all about 'Why do we live here?' as part of their Curriculum Enquiry so they were chosen to help the Chard Council with plans to improve the Henson Park play area.

Chard & Ilminster News:

“They helped the company choose equipment that is popular with children and voted on their favourite design.

“This week they were invited back to the opening and were thrilled to be able to have time to play on the equipment.

“Many of the children in the school live adjacent to Henson Park, so feel that they have had their voices heard in improving their locality.”

Mayor of Chard, Cllr Garry Shortland, said: “It was a pleasure to open the new equipment at upper Henson Park along with pupils from Avishayes School who took part in the design.

“It was amazing the joy on the faces of the children who say they go every day after school no doubt it will be a great asset to the park.”

It is hoped the upgrades give a new lease of life to the park and that it is very much enjoyed by residents.