THE new Chard Mayor said she was "honoured" to attend the town’s carnival presentation evening and she pledged to help charitable causes by the end of this term.

Mayor Cllr Kenton said: “I was honoured for one of my first duties as Mayor to be attending the Chard Carnival presentation evening and helping the carnival royalty to present the awards.

“Carnival is part of our town’s tradition and the committee over the years has always supported local groups from the collection and royalty fundraising.

“This year £4894.34 was given away to local groups, carnival clubs and charitable organisations.

“This is chards biggest event, which attracts thousands of people into the town to enjoy the spectacle.

“The annual meeting is going to be held on Sunday, February 12 at 7pm at the Lordleaze Hotel.

“I am sure they would welcome new members to help.

“There are all sorts of jobs from marshalling to organising the collection or helping to organise events. Why not pop along to see what goes on?”

Chard Mayor is losing weight to raise funds

Chard’s new Mayor Jenny Kenton has pledged to lose weight for the Mayor’s charities before the end of this term at the end of April.

When elected, she said: “I don’t propose to have a new photo taken as Mayor, as my old one shows me to be about 10 years younger and several stone lighter”.

She then added: “I am however undertaking to try and lose some of that extra weight before the Mayor’s charity fund is distributed at the Annual Town Meeting (date TBC) and I am hoping people will either join me or sponsor me.

“This year’s Mayor’s charities are Ferne Animal sanctuary, The Watch Project and Chard Area Youth Committee. All the money raised will be divided equally between them to support their work within our local area.

“Jenny only has a short time to top up the fund before the end of the Council year. She is asking local people to either join her in losing weight, either through a local club or privately at home.

“Scales are available at the Leisure centre in Chard if slimmers need the use of a free set to weigh themselves.”

You can contact jenny at