A COMMUNITY hub is looking to raise £2,000 to cover its running costs.

The Chard Community Hub has launched an online fundraiser to raise the funds needed to provide a wide range of different services to residents.

The hub itself, operating from Fore Street, was set up in May 2022 and now also has a community fridge. The centre is run by volunteers who also help residents with general inquiries.

One of them, Cath Morrison, said: “The £2,000 are to help with the running costs of the hub and keep it going in the future for the local people of Chard and the surrounding area.

“It is run by volunteers who direct residents to other agencies and organisations, there’s a community fridge, sewing hub, repair hub, and arts and craft. They also help filling forms and with general inquiries.

“We have received wonderful feedback. It is very important to have the hub in town. It’s given an option to people who did not know where to go.”

In the long run, “we would like to be able to buy a bigger space, offer more services and, perhaps, register as a charity”.

The Chard Community Fridge initiative started last year thanks to the work and the ideas of a group of volunteers operating from the Chard Community Hub on Fore Street.

During the Covid pandemic, its food boxes helped around 138 families a month.

The fridge provides tinned food, cooked meat, fresh vegetables, and other food items, but also hygiene products, and shampoos.

Cath also added that centre was very busy during the Christmas period and would like to thank all the businesses and residents who supported its initiatives.

The hub’s online fundraiser can be found here.