As you will have seen, work has continued in the town centre and I am pleased to say that this will be completed in the coming weeks.

The Stringfellow plane was returned to the town centre on its new plinth. The plane has been refurbished and repaired locally and was carefully lifted into place last Friday by the Griffiths team.

The surrounding area of the plinth will be planted next week which will complete this area.

You may have spotted the steel frame of the new building at Holyrood School going up.

The work here is well underway and will create much-needed capacity for students in our area.

Six students recently went to the site to participate in the traditional beam-signing of the new building. Their signatures will be there for as long as the building is standing.

Chard & Ilminster News: “The surrounding area of the plinth will be planted next week which will complete this area.”“The surrounding area of the plinth will be planted next week which will complete this area.”

Somerset residents struggling to pay their bills could be eligible for support with the cost of food, energy, water and other essentials like fridges, freezers and cookers over the coming months.

The county council is distributing £3.8m before September 30 through the Household Support Fund.

Please get in contact with me if you would like further detail:

Read more: Holyrood School pupils sign their names in first phase of new construction

Read more: Cllr Jenny Kenton on street improvements in Chard

I am currently working with the carnival committee to help put on the annual Chard Carnival Street Fayre which will take place this year on Saturday, September 10 from 9am until 4pm.

This will include various stalls, live music and entertainment on the main stage throughout the day. This will coincide with the National Heritage Open Days events.

There will be lots to do in Chard on September 10. As well as the street fayre, the museum will be holding an ‘Exploration of Water’ which will include talks on the history of the water running down each side the town centre.

The Guildhall will be hosting tours of the building, including a trip up into the clock tower. 

I will post more information about all of the events taking place on my Facebook page nearer the time.

I am always keen to get involved and lend a hand with community events. It is great to see what an amazing community spirit we have in Chard.

I am keen to keep in touch with you via this monthly column and my county council surgery in the Guildhall, which is held on the first Saturday of the month from 10am until 12pm.

You will be seeing both myself and the rest of the team knocking on doors and delivering our latest newsletter.

This is to help keep you up to date with projects, news, and issues about your local area.

Written by Cllr Jason Baker