REPORTS about the number of complaints made to Somerset Council in 2023/24 having 'tripled' since the previous year are wrong, say the local authority. 

In an internal email to Somerset councillors, Clare Rendell, Democratic Services Specialist said: “During Full Council [on September 26] a question was raised regarding the number of complaints received, the report which prompted the question states that complaints had tripled but the numbers presented did not mirror that narrative.”

“The actual number received by Somerset Council in 2023/24 was 4020. However, this includes 1306 withdrawn or rejected complaints so the actual number of valid complaints which were fully investigated through the process was 2714, which is roughly triple that the team had managed the previous year.”

One councillor who questioned the volume of complaints at Full Council was Mark Healey MBE, who said: “It saddens me that the most complaints I am receiving to date is regarding planning, which I am sure fellow colleagues must be getting as well.”

Cllr Healey, who represents the Huntspill division, spoke to the Bridgwater Mercury about his concerns. He said: “The number of complaints to Somerset Council is skyrocketing, especially from elderly and vulnerable people concerned about their Council Tax or their green waste.”

“It took me three days to get a response from Somerset Council on behalf of a 93-year-old gentleman about his uncollected green waste bin. Not everyone is computer literate or able to receive documentation via email.”

“I wanted to support a planning application for 41 dwellings and a convenience store in Pawlett, but my supporting documentation was not received in time by the Planning Officer. I’ve since reinstated my bid and made an official complaint.”

He added: “People simply can’t get through. We’ve got a problem here: it’s people at Somerset Council. It’s become worse and worse since Covid, with more staff members working from home. People just don’t want to work.”

Cllr Healey has made his representations in a letter to the Chief Executive of Somerset Council but has not received a response.

A spokesperson for Somerset Council said: "The numbers presented previously compared Somerset Council with Somerset County Council rather than the collective of all 5 authorities for 22/23. We do not have figures for complaints at South Somerset District Council so still not an exact comparison but the updated figures are as follows:

2022/23 prior councils excluding SSDC = 1,922 (SCC 804 + SWT 794 + SDC 231 + MDC 93 = 1922)

2023/24 Somerset Council figures = 2,714. (4020 but 1306 withdrawn or rejected = 2714)."