Shoppers across the South West can donate pre-loved children's books to Asda stores.

This is part of the supermarket's partnership with charity the Children's Book Project.

It follows a successful trial earlier in the year in Asda stores across Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, and London where more than 6,000 books were donated and redistributed.

The Children's Book Project aims to tackle book poverty in childhood by gifting surplus new and pre-loved books to children with limited access to books.

From September 2, more than 388 Asda stores will have dedicated donation trolleys at the front of the store for customers to drop off their book donations.

Carolyn Francis from Asda's community team said: "It’s great to have an accessible book donation point in our store where we can then redistribute them back into our local community.

"All children should be able to access a book without the cost being a barrier.

"This is also a great opportunity for families to have a bit of a clear-out and donate any books that their children may have grown out of which will then go on to benefit many other children in our area."

To find a book drop-off point near you, visit