A SOUTH PETHERTON pub turned back time this weekend when it reverted prices to 1994 to celebrate the landlord's 30th year at the pub.

Customers enjoyed pints for £1.55 at the Brewer's Arms, to mark landlord Duncan Webb, 60, having spent 30 years behind the bar.

The pub, crowned Chard and Ilminster News' Pub of the Year 2024, is a seventeenth-century, family-run free house at 18 St James' Street.

Duncan said: "I never expected to be here this long that's for sure, but then it's probably because I met a girl from the village, who was my second ever member of staff, [Niki] who's my partner and I think that's what did it."

This weekend, Saturday, September 7, the village enjoyed a "reunion" with some of the pub's former staff and locals coming to celebrate the occasion.

Duncan, who runs the pub with Ali - his partner Niki's sister - said: "We had a bit of a party weekend, with lots of music outside.

"We did a couple of happy hours where prices went back to 1994 prices, it was a complete bomb site at the bar, ridiculous. Everyone wants a bargain.

"When you can get a pint of beer for £1.55 it's a pretty decent deal."

He added: "A lot of old faces came out, it was a bit of a reunion and support from the village. There are a few customers from day one that come in fairly regularly.

"My business partner Ali, she's been with me for 29 years. She does heaps. To have the support of the family and all of the other staff, without them, I wouldn't have been here for 30 years. 

"A couple of my kids work here as well, it's a bit of a family affair. But without the family, it ain't going to happen."

Asked if he ever gets a day off, Duncan said: "Every day of the week you're doing bits and pieces, you're here all the time.

"But it's so much better than sitting around in the evening doing nothing, scrolling on Facebook everyone's addicted. It's more fun having a chat with people.

"It's people [that make it], talking to people and different sorts of people.

"Whether it's someone who's a millionaire several times over or they've scraped around under the car seat to find a few quid to come in for a pint, everyone is equal when they come in the pub."

But Duncan will not be putting his feet up anytime soon with the South Petherton Carnival arriving on September 14.

Duncan said: "It's carnival weekend this weekend so we're busy building a carnival float at the moment, for one night only!"

He added: "Thanks to all the lovely customers for coming in and supporting us, just being in a lovely village really."