A WOMAN from Somerset is set to fall from 15,000 feet on her 66th birthday in support of a charity that she holds close to her heart.

Jackie Dennis, 65, has lived in Somerset all her life and is a devoted animal lover owning various animals.

This year, Jackie will be taking to the skies in support of Ferne Animal Sanctuary on September 20.

“I’m a bit nervous I think that’s fair to say but my age isn’t slowing me down from doing stuff like this,” said Jackie.

Living in Chard for the last six years, Jackie has spent over 30 years living in Taunton which she looks back on with fond memories.

“Doing this skydive is a really big thing for me, not only am I supporting an animal shelter that I value so much but I’m doing something really out of my comfort zone.”

Jackie works with adults with learning disabilities and has been to the animal sanctuary to visit the piggies with her residents.

“They (the residents) love the animal sanctuary, and I feel like me doing this is giving back something to them as well.”

Jackie found inspiration from her son to take on the challenge. Her son did a skydive from the same distance earlier this year.

Another link to the animal sanctuary is the fact that Jackie has owned a dog from the animal sanctuary for over 14 years.

“I have two dogs, but we got Jasper from the animal sanctuary when he was only two.

“He was a handful at the start but now you would never know he came from a disadvantaged background.

“He’s in great health and he’s a massive part of the family, this skydive is for Jasper and all the beautiful animals at Ferne.”