A NURSE said she felt “privileged” to “support so many people and their families” as she retires from her job of 51 years at a Somerset hospital.

Pat Wilcox, senior emergency department sister, retired after 51 years at Yeovil Hospital.

Pat was thanked by Yeovil MP Adam Dance, who delivered a bouquet of flowers.

She said: "I always wanted to be a nurse and started my training in January 1973.

“A small hospital then, with two nightingale wards, children's ward, private wing, casualties as it was known then and outpatients; the District Hospital opened in March 1973.

“I qualified in 1976, working initially in main theatre and Intensive care, before spending 47 years in the emergency department.

"I have had sad times, happy times, and what I would call character building times.

“I feel privileged to have worked alongside and been part of an amazing team, supporting so many people and their families.

“At the age of 18, I would never have thought that 51 and a half years later I would finally walk out of the door for the last time.

"On Friday I was shocked and humbled that Adam Dance MP visited me to thank me for my service to the community, giving me some beautiful flowers.

“I didn't expect this, all I have done is the job that I have loved, being part of an amazing dedicated team, working together to provide the best care that we can.

“I will miss my patients, their families and my colleagues, but I am looking forward to opening a new chapter in my life."

The MP who is also a governor of the hospital, said: "It is through the dedication and hard work of Pat and her colleagues at Yeovil Hospital that the people of South Somerset can still rely on the NHS.

“Pat has given most of her life to the NHS and has worked in the emergency department at Yeovil.

“I understand there are great difficulties accessing GPs and dentists, but Yeovil Hospital provides much needed help and reassurance when there are emergencies. “Without this we would all be much more insecure.

"I wish Pat well in her retirement and thank her for her years of service to the people of South Somerset and West Dorset.

“I hope Pat and her husband, Bernie, will now be able to take some time for themselves and as Pat says, open a new chapter in their lives."