A primary school in Ilminster is celebrating the renewal of its Fairtrade Fair Active Award.

The achievement follows a series of successful initiatives aimed at educating pupils about the importance and impact of Fairtrade enterprise worldwide.

The Herne View Primary School council co-orchestrated a Fairtrade day, covering topics from banana growing and farming methods, to chocolate production and shea butter processing.

In addition to classroom lessons, students embarked on a Fairtrade hunt around Tesco, identifying Fairtrade items for sale.

Key Stage 2 pupils additionally benefited from a talk by Natalie Wainwright, a member of Ilminster Fairtrade Group, who shared about Ilminster's role as a Fairtrade Town.

Pupils embarked on a Fairtrade hunt around TescoPupils embarked on a Fairtrade hunt around Tesco

The day concluded with a Fairtrade bake sale, raising £80 for the Fairtrade Foundation.

The day covered topics such as chocolate production and shea butter processingThe day covered topics such as chocolate production and shea butter processing (Image: Herne View Primary School)

Headteacher, Claire Oaten, said: "As a school, we find learning about Fairtrade helps our children learn about the wider world and develop a global perspective, finding out more about the lives of people involved in the production of many of the foods and products that they regular use.

"Also, as Ilminster is a Fairtrade Town, it helps our children learn about what is important in their local community.

"We are very pleased to again receive the Fair Active Award and thank all those in school and the community who continue to support our children with their learning."