St Mary's Church in Chard is holding a concert in August, to raise funds for the repair of their vandalised church windows.

Taking place on Saturday August 3 from 7pm. Entry is by donation, a suggested amount of £5.00.

Featuring at the concert is The Trinity Entertainers, a group of local talented singers who love to sing in close harmony with a mixture of classical, pop, spiritual, jazz, & folk. Lead by MD Jean Rud.

The concert will raise the surplus funds for the repairs of the windows, St Mary's has already raised £850 towards the repair and the Freemasons gifted them £250. Reverend Georgina Vye still needs to raise £3,000 to complete the works.

Rev Vye said: "Many folk in the town wanted to know how they too could contribute to the costs of the repair, however, at the time we didn't know so felt unable to take offerings until we were in a position to advise accurately. With the aforesaid sum and the pay out towards the damage of the glass we now have £5000 towards the work. 

"After the damage to the three windows of the Church at St Mary's alongside damage to the windows at The Good Shepherd, The Methodist Church and an attempt at The English Martyr.

"We are now ready and in a position to begin the window repair which will need to be more substantial, and involves strengthening of the stone casing in which the lead rods holding the window glass sit.

"We are delighted that the Trinity Singers have offered to have a concert on our behalf and that all proceeds will go towards the £3000 repair bill which will see our windows restored to their former glory.  Rev Georgina Vye would like to invite you to come and join us for this promising summer evening concert so help us raise these much needed funds."

In the afternoon before the concert, the church will be open for the afternoon to welcome visitors and people can leave a donation if they wish.