1st Chard Scout Group is appealing to independent businesses and local residents to hold stalls at their table top sale.

A spokesman said: "Do you have a business or charity you would like to come and sell or promote.

They are holding a table top sale on Saturday July 6 from 10am to 2pm at Chard Baptist Chuch on Holyrood Street. All proceeds will go towards the scouting association.

"So far we have a wax melts stall, Candles, Wreaths and Cards, The rest are selling personal items

"If you would like a table we are asking £10 which includes unlimited tea/coffee and also goes towards the hire of the hall.

"Please contact kerry our group scout leader on Chardscoutgroup@outlook.com or pop us a message on Facebook.

A spokesman added: "We would love to have some more stalls so we have a variety of items. Thank you."

For more information about to find out where and when they meet each week, visit their website.