THE skatepark at Milford Park, Yeovil will officially open tomorrow (Wednesday, August 23) with a Skate Jam, where you will find wheeled sports demos, activities, and competitions to enter on the day.

The refurbished skatepark will be opened by Councillor Mike Best chairman of Somerset Council, Councillor Graham Oakes, leader of Yeovil Town Council, and Councillor Royston Spinner, chairman of Grounds and General Maintenance Committee from Yeovil Town Council.

The skatepark, designed by Maverick Skate Parks in consultation with user groups, community groups, and local secondary schools, includes quarter pipes, a flat bank extension, jump box, hubba ledge and a round rail. There is also safety signage, seating, and lighting for the winter evenings.

Councillor Mike Best, chairman of Somerset Council, said: “We are delighted to have been able to make improvements to this area.

“Being able to provide spaces where children and young people can express and challenge themselves as well as making them places they want to visit is important to Somerset Council.

“These spaces also play a vital role in providing opportunities for social interaction between young people and the wider community, supporting a greater sense of community spirit and social cohesion. All of which is important to helping to ensure the health of local communities.”

Councillor Federica Smith -Roberts, lead member for Communities, Housing and Culture, said: “We are thrilled to bring newly updated skate parks to our communities in Yeovil. We hope these modern facilities will allow riders of all abilities and ages to enjoy them and improve their skills in a safe and accessible environment.”

Cllr Royston Spinner, chairman of Yeovil Town Council’s Grounds and General Maintenance Committee said: “Yeovil Town Council is delighted to have worked with Somerset Council and in consultation with the local community on a new much-improved concrete skate park which will appeal to a wide range of users for years to come.”

The project was funded by Somerset Council and Yeovil Town Council.