PUPILS from Oaklands Community Primary School in Yeovil have been discovering more about women’s history.

They’ve been working with archivists from the South West Heritage Trust on a project for Women’s History Month which takes place in March.

Year 5 students from Oaklands recently spent the day at the Somerset Heritage Centre enjoying a behind-the-scenes tour and researching stories using original documents from the collections.

Local author Emma Carroll, who writes historical fiction for young readers, gave a talk about her Somerset roots and led a writing workshop to inspire young historians.

The students have used what they learned to create display boards about women’s history which will be available to see at the Somerset Heritage Centre.

Later this month they will re-visit the Heritage Centre to see their work go on display.

Archives engagement manager Esther Hoyle said: “The students have used original documents to learn about the achievements and challenges of women in times of war and in their personal and working lives.

“The students were also inspired to create some wonderful stories themselves after hearing from Emma Carroll.”

The project is part of the Museums and Schools programme, funded by the Department for Education and managed by Arts Council England.