Palm Sunday Service: Forty members of the combined choirs of the Five Alive Mission community sang The Cross of Christ' in Yarcombe Church on the evening of Palm Sunday. Margaret Hurford conducted the singers and Cathy Laing played the organ.

Interspersed between the hymns and anthems, the story of the Passion was read by Margaret Sochon, Brian Smith, Thelma Clarke, Don Tapster, Joan Ewins, Maggie Lane and Brian Major. There was another presentation at Dalwood Church on Good Friday evening.

Easter services: These began with a special devotional service led by the vicar, reading lessons and talking about the Crucifixion. The congregation from the Baptist Chapel joined in the worship together with several people from local parishes. Ken Hayward played the organ and members of the choir led the singing. Refreshments were served by Joan Ewins and Margaret Hoare with hot cross buns.

Easter Sunday morning was Nigel Freathy's last service at Yarcombe Church and it was very uplifting to have so many filling the church. As last year's service had been so popular, it had been decided to hold a Family Service followed by a shortened form of Communion, when the children could depart for an Easter Egg hunt in the Jubilee Hall.

This year's service also incorporated the Christening service of Benjamin Rich. Members of the congregation who participated in readings and prayers were Keith Freeman, Eleanor Wright, James Pidgeon, Emily David, Andrew Humphreys and David and Sophie Bristol. Nigel and Annette Freathy sang the first two verses of the choir anthem Low in the Grave He Lay'. Don Tapster and Joan Ewins assisted at the Communion Service, and David Bristol, Margaret Hoare, Emily David and Caitlin King took the collection. Refreshments were served after the service by Barbara Salter and helpers.