A CHARD woman has hang-ups with British Telecom after finding hundreds of county residents' surnames, including hers, missing from the latest edition of The Phone Book for the Taunton area.

When Rosa Newman, of School Lane, checked for her entry in the 2007/08 edition, she was shocked to find her number printed under another surname.

The first surname on the list, Nelson is followed by the surname Neyens, but all those in between - over 80 in total - are missing.

While all numbers are present, they appear to be listed under Nelson because of the bungle, which affects listings on pages 738 and 739.

But when Mrs Newton contacted BT to highlight the problem, she was less than satisfied with their response.

"I telephoned BT on June 22 to let them know about the problem and they said that someone would call me back, but I heard nothing," she said.

"I called again on July 3 and someone told me it would probably be corrected in the next edition, but that doesn't seem good enough to me.

"I do things for our local church and people need to ring me, but if they try and find me in the phonebook I won't be there."

A British Telecom spokesman said: "We have been made aware of the problem and we are currently trying to resolve the issue as soon as possible and find out what went wrong.

"There have been loads of complaints and is something that we are in the process of correcting."

*Have you been affected by the error? If so, shout about it in our on-line forum at www.chardandilminsternews.co.uk.