STAFF at Chard's Tesco store will be helping kick start the funds for the British Red Cross with a week of fundraising events.

With the start of the Royal Ascot next Tuesday, staff will be taking part in race themed events to help the charity's work in Somerset.

Workers will be donning fancy hats to mark Ladies Day', taking part in a horseplay race night and a pony competition.

Store manager Gareth Williams said: "There is no need to travel all the way to Ascot - just pop in to Tesco for a little flutter instead!

"All the money raised will go directly to the British Red Cross and help vulnerable people in our neighbourhood. "Together we can ensure that no-one faces a crisis alone."

The British Red Cross is the Tesco Charity of the Year and under the theme of 'Crisis Care in your Neighbourhood', the aim is to raise £2million in 2007.

The money Tesco raises will be locally spent on first aid training, emergency equipment and care in the home services.

To find out more about the British Red Cross and Tesco partnership, ring 0845 052 2007 or click on the link below.